Sunday, September 16, 2018

Lesson from Tides and Sun.

Last month, at dawn, on a Chennai beach resort, I happened to be sipping a coffee in a relaxed fashion and watching the Sun rise over Bay of Bengal!

I was seeing this beautiful work of Universe/Galaxy/Mother Earth in play. As serene and calming it was, this is what was stuck with me on how arrogant or in one sense igonorant, we have all become.

What do tides teach us? Perseverance: They keep trying every moment to breach the shore. They never give up!

What does Sun teach us? Hope: Each day Sun comes (I know earth rotates and not Sun) back with a hope that we will get better and not giving up on us, giving us another chance.

Imagine, if the tides succeed and/or Sun gives up! It is destruction! That is how fragile we are as the potentially only conscience in this universe, at least at this point!

The lesson I took from that morning is, keep hoping and persevere! If we lose hope and don't keep trying, life ends!



Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Oviyaa.. First day at School!

Second time in our lives, we are facing this so called mixed feelings!

Our second Angel is now set to get out into life. It's been a busy 5 years for us since she came in our lives and now to see her move out of her comfort zone and to be there all alone for a while is way too a bit incomprehensible. 

While am happy, glad and excited to see her step in the next phase in life, am scared to let her go as well! But I believe that is how nature teaches us!

I missed to see her off today, but knowing her, she should have been all smiles, happy and proud to do it!

As I said this few years back when Nilaa went out, it will forever remain a moment to cherish and celebrate and hope both of them do well in their lives!

As a dad, all I can hope for is to give them the best life they deserve, while they carve out their own paths from now on!


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Integrity undefined

There was a question on Integrity in one of the conversations I was having with my friends. Not sure if I read it somewhere, but, here was what I said as my definition.

Integrity is not about doing something right when someone is watching, but it is about not doing the wrong thing when none is watching! Meaning, doing the right thing, being the right thing at all times! Is it possible? I believe yes! If we are true to ourselves, I think we can!!
