Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lesson from Traffic Signal.

I thought, life is as simple as waiting at a cross during a red signal! 

We never see a traffic red signal as a road block, rather we see it a check and also one that allows the people from different directions to move forward! It also allows us a moment to sit back, relax and see where we are at and how others move forward. Sometimes, we even tend to change course looking at the traffic ahead. While we wait at the cross, we know for sure that there will be a green signal that will allow us to move forward.

Like wise, in life all obstacles are like Red traffic signal. When we face one, we kind of take stock at what we have and where we are headed towards. If need be, we can change course from there on wards. The key is, when we face adversity (red signal), we need to give it sometime for us to move forward from there! All we need to know is that a red signal will always be followed by a green signal! So stay optimistic and stay afloat in times of adversity! Your time will come for you to move forward!


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