Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Tree - Happy Independence Day!

On the Eve of our 66th Independence day, I thought I’ll pen down my thoughts on what we can do to this wonderful country.

I know all of us are frustrated with the current state of affairs and we are in utter despair on how India would fare well!

I was thinking how we can become so hopeless when we have everything within ourselves to make an impact. The fact that I sit in an Air Conditioned office and type what I want to type means that we have a lot of freedom to do what we want to do and yet so we are expecting someone else to do it.
Yes! The challenge is that most of us do not take accountability or ownership for that! It is after all our country and we are responsible for what it is!
Let us not lose hope and let us ensure that we give our 100% commitment to turn things around!
Why are we expecting others to lead us when we ourselves can!
Why are we waiting for someone to initiate the change when we can be the change!

August 15th, 1947 was not the fruit, but just a seed. For 65 years we have not nourished it well and tree looks a bit out of shape. Starting now, if we can water it properly, if we can give it proper fertilizers, things will be lot better every single year. It need not be a revolution by itself. It can be like what I said earlier. http://kuttiraj.blogspot.in/2009/11/do-we-need-revolution-in-india.html.

Education, Healthcare and Agriculture are the main areas where I would want to concentrate. Once these get the prominence, other things will fall in place! So let us concentrate on giving education to the eligible and the needy. Let's make healthcare affordable. Let us ensure that we help the agricultural sector in anyway that is possible.

For others it need not be the same two choices. You can pick two others areas. But show intent, and am sure things will fall in place.

The seed called Independence that was sown long back is now the tree that is growing. All we need is that as responsible citizens, we need to is feed the tree so the fruits of which are for our future Indians!

I was inspired by this small film. “The Tree”

It tells what we need to Do! As Simple as that :). 

Jai Hind! Let us keep the flame of freedom alive!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

CAP for Life.....

A lot of times, I've heard people talking about productivity, ability and capability and how to improve these.

To me, these are a bit abstract terms and are very dependent on a lot of other factors.

Rather than talking about people's views on these terms/factors, I would state what my understanding and belief are how to achieve these and what people should worry about or concentrate on to improve them. Here is what I call CAP of life.

C - I would work on the commitment of a person than his/her capability. I know that capability, while it can be improved, I feel that it depends on a person's COMMITMENT towards that. If we do not have a commitment towards a certain cause, I would say, no matter what capability we have within ourselves we would never be able to achieve that cause.

A - If I were to groom a person in my team, I would not worry about hi/hers ability much. I would rather look deep into his/her attitude on life! No matter what your ability is, if you do not have the right attitude, you are as good as nothing. Attitude can be changed and with that ones ability to perform to the expectations enhances! So let us concentrate on our ATTITUDE and ability will follow.

P - Productivity. This of course is probably dependent on Ability and Capability of an individual. So one has to have the attitude and commitment to improve him/herself. However, what's so more important is the PASSION he/she has towards the cause. Without PASSION, nothing goes on in life! I keep telling my team the below. 

Cleaning shit or having sex, do it with passion for it defines whether you are doing a shitty job or a sexy job.
With Passion - a sexy job in cleaning shit; Without passion - A shitty job in having sex!
(forgive my choice of words)

My thought - Without COMMITMENT, ATTITUDE and PASSION, nothing moves on in life!

- Raj

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is Growth?

In today's fast paced world, growth has become a mockery. I'm purely talking about one's growth in career.
People relate growth to money and power. They say I'm this much experienced and I deserve to grow!

Can growth be so easy that with years passing by and yet a person continues to do what he/she did three years back?
Can growth happen to a person within a company without contributing anything to it?
Can promotions happens because he has to be promoted rather than he deserved to be promoted?
Can a person by virtue of jumping companies be positioned for something substantially higher that what he can do?

What would happen in these circumstances? He/She is set for failure! And that means that everything around that person also fails. Be it team, be it business. All are set for failure.

To people who think money is measure of growth; you are wrong. Knowledge is!
To people who think power or authority or numbers (I lead so many people), is a measure of growth; you are wrong. Responsibilities are!

Money is not everything that can solve all the problems. Neither does power! Remember the end of the Hosini's and Saddam's.

When you have knowledge, you have more maturity.
When you have more maturity you are ready for more responsibilites!

Growth can neither be money nor authority.

It is the measure of your responsibilities!!
Seek to gain more knowledge and experience.
With both seek more responsibilities.

When you have them and the right attitude, the growth in terms of power and money follows!

- Raj