Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

When I look back at the year 2012, I'm a bit surprised how sanely did I pen down something at the start of the year and I feel it holds good for the current year as well..... Here is what I wrote last year!

But when I look ahead am a bit skeptical as I do not know how to wish for this New Year! It has become very customary to say Wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year, every single year! But at the end of every year when we try to reflect back, we almost have not had what we have been wished for at least as a society or as a Nation or even as a race. 

Each year we go through a lot of back stabbing, deceptions, mistrust, disrespect and so on that sometimes it feels so inhumanely impossible to believe that we are human! Worst is, it keeps increasing every year. Can it be stopped? Of course yes!! After all, we are humans and can't we return to be human again? This is nothing personal for or about me. It about us as a race in this world.

I see the problem for all of this is greed! Greed for anything and everything! Isn't it? Isn't greed the mother of all problems we have in this world today? We live in a world where we trust money more than people around us and buy security with our money. Not sure how we could have changed so much for trust was the basis of everything.

I'm not trying to be negative here, in fact, am trying to see how we can remain positive about our future and what we need to do to live an happy life! And let me be also honest, am in the same league as others! This is no mean an advice to everyone.

So, here I'm wishing myself and everyone an year with less greed and work towards what only we need! Let us go back to our roots or at least search for them! Am sure we were lot humbler a few decades back!

In this New Year,
         May we feel lot safer because of people around us and not because of money!
         May this world get the peace and harmony it deserves! 

I want to still call the Year 2013 as the year of Optimism!


Saturday, December 29, 2012

State of Affairs - 29th December, 2012.

I really do not understand what people are talking about in terms of special parliament session, stringent laws, non bailable offence, capital punishment, clemency and all such stuff!

This is not a law and order problem for goodness sake, this is a societal and cultural issue after all. An issue of making both genders aware and honor that female gender is not weaker. It is about making men to respect womanhood.... It is about making each mom, sister, daughter, wife and aunt feel safe....

No law can make a man (or a woman for that matter) respect and protect a woman from this. It is a society that will make her safe! It is the guidance we give to the younger ones that will make a daughter feel safe and the make a son a responsible person.

It is a bloody change that we all have to have within! Ask me how? I don't know, but for sure I know that law alone cannot make a man not have a boner every time he says a lady alone! I don't know. People are so emotionally tied up to a problem and are thinking from within the problem where we will never find a solution. 

May be sex Education? I don't know... but I feel and know laws alone would not make this change!

You 23 year old brave heart! You represent every single Indian woman who for sure feels unsafe in this country, not now, not then and even here after. My heart goes out to your family who will now get into the public glare while they will forever be inconsolable!

While you will rest in peace, may you be the torch that guides us to our inner peace. We may in due course of time forget the issue, but not you! Certainly I'll never forget you or the issue!

I now know what I need to do to protect my little one!

- Raj

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Childhood now and 20-25 years back.

The other day at office, a few of my friends over lunch were having a discussion on how our generation was when we were kids and what were the advantages of those days.

One thing that we debated was on the art of relationship building, how our generation (age group) built that talent.

In those days, when I was a kid, I used to get out of my house myself, make friends and play with them safely. From where I hail from, the friends that I had then are still mine. They continue to be who they are.

How did they become friends? Not like how it is now. None of our parents brought us all together and said be friends. We got out, we shook hands, became friends, formed a team, bought a team bat, sticks and ball, played together, went for matches (ball bet matches). Nobody taught us how to become friends or how to be careful from people who are harmful. These instincts were ours and only ours. We even knew each others strengths and weakness (there was no luxury of coaches), who will bat up the order and who will bowl the first spell and so on. This of course did not stop with Cricket. When there was football fever, we did the same with that game as well. Of course, everything in the localized games as well like the Bambarams, killi thaandal, Koli Gundus, Ice Numbers, Medu pallam etc.,.

We built the art of team building, knowing each others strengths and playing accordingly to the situation. No matter what happened (like losing the ball bet matches) we all stuck to each other as a team and we ensured that we bring our pocket money to buy the new ball! We knew how to survive as a team more than with the team we build in our corporate world (I mean no offence here, but the politics of corporate world is a separate topic altogether)!

Our friendships did not stop there alone. We went to build relationships with each others family and eventually we become family friends. We took our friends family as our family, our moms, our sisters, our brothers. Was it not a good example of building relationship?

Back then we had one bat/kit for the team and often it used to lie in some one's place depending on whose parent was less strict. We could move in/out of every one's house irrespective of how rich one was or if they had a girl and so on. There was trust in everyone and everything (of course once the trust was established). 

While I cannot complain on the current system where we talk to our neighbors on the social media than personally, we talk to our friends over phone, chat and email than again personally, sometimes am scared. I see a lot of parents complaining that their children do not get out of their houses and play and that they need to force them out. For we ourselves do not have any great relationship with the neighbors, how would we expect children to do that? I'm scared because I wonder what it would mean to Nilaa in future. Would she have the instincts to build the skill of building trust, relationship and team? 

Each child now has a bat/ball on his/her own. Where would they have the life's training of how to build trust and respect? I'm concerned that the current generation may not have the instincts of adjustment and for all I know the families are get increasingly more nuclear not just from a joint family context but with the decision of single child concept as well. Back then, when TVs were rare we used to accommodate our friends and even their families into our living rooms to watch Chitrahaar, Oliyum-oliyum and even Ramayan/Mahabaratha. Not to forget the cricket matches (Reliance World Cup - 1987)! We did not have remotes to fight for and when there was a conflict, it was resolved. Now, we have TVs in each room literally for the sake of conflict avoiding. How do we learn the art of conflict resolution?

I know I may sound a lot paranoid here by jumping on to various topics, but I feel my concerns are genuine. I hope that this generation picks up the instincts to know whom to trust and build trust with them. They learn how to build relationships and also know how to sustain them. They know how to build teams and live with them.

I know I have good people around me because of how I was brought up when I was a child; how well my family supported me; how well my friends responded, but most importantly, the initiative was from me. Everyone else supported.

I hope I support Nilaa in this aspect. I wish she has good people around her by virtue of her own choices and actions than our (Leelas's and mine) wishful thinking. 

Hope is the only cure to all problems. :)

- Raj

Friday, December 21, 2012

Capital Punishments for Rapists?

I don't know why people want capital punishments for Rape... What is the point in making those buggers go away in just few minutes? Should it not that they should live their whole lives regretting what they did?

This is what I think they should go through!
1. Their Man hood cut.
2. Made to walk nude for number of days that the court determines.
3. Spend the rest of their lives as servants of the victim and the family.

Is it not possible? I do not think this is radical or even really an extremist view. I'm just asking for just taking away a few inches of the muscle rather than the life.

I do not really think a capital punishment would ever scare those who would want to even think of a rape or would the rapists be regretful of what thy did!

- Raj.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I wish the Mayan Calendar ended yesterday!

Not sure how to express my grief and anger.... 
I do not know how the families of those kids would live with this tragedy for ever! 
Can't imagine what we call as free world and see this happening....

Is it that, we can be at peace only we die and cannot enjoy peace when we live?
I'm very literally disturbed....

May those who died rest in peace! :(

I wish the Mayan Calendar ended yesterday!

- Raj

Friday, October 5, 2012

5th October, 2012 - 35 years passed

Well one more time and one more time during this era of social networking with blogs and face books of the world.
I've been wanting to pen down my 50th blog, thought I could hold until this date to do so! And here I'm!

As always, it felt good to be remembered and good to see love of people. All I can say is that am fortunate. I wish, I could have this love and affection till my end! So many phone calls, SMS', emails and Facebook messages. It will take a lot of time for me to thank everyone individually, but for sure I'll do that.

Now, at 35, am I cross roads? Of Course Yes!. I realize that! I also realize that time is running fast and there are a lot that I would want to close before the steam is over. But this blog is not for what I want to do going forward, but for what I have had in the last 35 years and where I think I stand now!

Have these years been very tough? For sure they were and I think it is the same for each one of the living being in this world. May be mine was a bit more tough than a few at my age as life always thrust me to take up responsibilities too early in my life. Be it starting schooling at the age of 2+ and completing graduation when I was 20, to losing dad at 24, to even good growth in my professional career, I was probably ahead of people of my age in terms of being thrust with responsibilities. And I now know what my mentor used to say, responsibilities are the measure of your growth and for sure I've grown.

Can I complain? I do not know.

On one hand, it has given me a lot of valid lessons  unforgettable experiences, unconventional wisdom and a bit more maturity which has ensured that I take life as it comes with lesser fuss. On the other hand, it does sometimes overwhelms in certain situations be it personal or professional. But then, those are one of times and I get back to normality easily.

I have faced so many adversities that now with no challenges or small challenges am really scared if all is well with my life. But all of these scares go away very quickly because of whatever people call it as maturity for it makes me understand that life goes on and that I need to move on.

Looking back at this one year, this has been more than significant particularly the last one month on certain decisions I've made regarding change within myself and external and trust me, the transition has been easy. Now, I'm looking forward for the changes to give visible benefits. The last one week has been really terrific with a lot of mixed emotions and of course will pen down the outcome in the coming months.

This year had a lot of milestones, one certainly Nilaa's school going would mark as a very one important in my personal life. On the professional front, being identified as a MVP and Key Talent within my organization was a certain high!

For today, the day started off well, went on with a day long meeting, so could not take calls or even respond to emails. Towards the end was a farewell for a long timer in my organization and then had to rush back home with Nlaa, Leela and Amma. And could not believe myself, doing a celebration because Nilaa forced me literally. Went and bought few balloons, cake and candles, and had a very private celebration at 8:30 in the evening! A moment, that made me realize that my priority is only keep people happy. I have never wanted to celebrate my b'day and had to do so because of Nilaa! And I just had to budge to see her smile and that was worth it all!

Coming back to my life, one thing that has been certain and probably a clue or cue or example or experience from my life is that, no matter what you collect in your life, the precious ones are people. Like responsibilities are the measure of one's growth, people are the measure of one's wealth!

I know, I'm wealthier than a lot of folks by means of people wanting something good to happen to me always and I do not know whom to thank for this. I feel, I'm just fortunate. Sometimes I feel that Mother Nature has been so liberal for she had sent me a lot of people who make me feel worth of their love.

While, I embark onto my second phase in my life, I acknowledge all the love, care, support and cheer that has been showered on me. I wish I come back the same day, next year and say the same and that Nature treats me as good as it treats me now.

And Miles to go before I sleep,
And Miles to go before I sleep.

Keep loving me!

I love to be loved!
I live to be loved!
- Raj.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Tree - Happy Independence Day!

On the Eve of our 66th Independence day, I thought I’ll pen down my thoughts on what we can do to this wonderful country.

I know all of us are frustrated with the current state of affairs and we are in utter despair on how India would fare well!

I was thinking how we can become so hopeless when we have everything within ourselves to make an impact. The fact that I sit in an Air Conditioned office and type what I want to type means that we have a lot of freedom to do what we want to do and yet so we are expecting someone else to do it.
Yes! The challenge is that most of us do not take accountability or ownership for that! It is after all our country and we are responsible for what it is!
Let us not lose hope and let us ensure that we give our 100% commitment to turn things around!
Why are we expecting others to lead us when we ourselves can!
Why are we waiting for someone to initiate the change when we can be the change!

August 15th, 1947 was not the fruit, but just a seed. For 65 years we have not nourished it well and tree looks a bit out of shape. Starting now, if we can water it properly, if we can give it proper fertilizers, things will be lot better every single year. It need not be a revolution by itself. It can be like what I said earlier.

Education, Healthcare and Agriculture are the main areas where I would want to concentrate. Once these get the prominence, other things will fall in place! So let us concentrate on giving education to the eligible and the needy. Let's make healthcare affordable. Let us ensure that we help the agricultural sector in anyway that is possible.

For others it need not be the same two choices. You can pick two others areas. But show intent, and am sure things will fall in place.

The seed called Independence that was sown long back is now the tree that is growing. All we need is that as responsible citizens, we need to is feed the tree so the fruits of which are for our future Indians!

I was inspired by this small film. “The Tree”

It tells what we need to Do! As Simple as that :). 

Jai Hind! Let us keep the flame of freedom alive!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

CAP for Life.....

A lot of times, I've heard people talking about productivity, ability and capability and how to improve these.

To me, these are a bit abstract terms and are very dependent on a lot of other factors.

Rather than talking about people's views on these terms/factors, I would state what my understanding and belief are how to achieve these and what people should worry about or concentrate on to improve them. Here is what I call CAP of life.

C - I would work on the commitment of a person than his/her capability. I know that capability, while it can be improved, I feel that it depends on a person's COMMITMENT towards that. If we do not have a commitment towards a certain cause, I would say, no matter what capability we have within ourselves we would never be able to achieve that cause.

A - If I were to groom a person in my team, I would not worry about hi/hers ability much. I would rather look deep into his/her attitude on life! No matter what your ability is, if you do not have the right attitude, you are as good as nothing. Attitude can be changed and with that ones ability to perform to the expectations enhances! So let us concentrate on our ATTITUDE and ability will follow.

P - Productivity. This of course is probably dependent on Ability and Capability of an individual. So one has to have the attitude and commitment to improve him/herself. However, what's so more important is the PASSION he/she has towards the cause. Without PASSION, nothing goes on in life! I keep telling my team the below. 

Cleaning shit or having sex, do it with passion for it defines whether you are doing a shitty job or a sexy job.
With Passion - a sexy job in cleaning shit; Without passion - A shitty job in having sex!
(forgive my choice of words)

My thought - Without COMMITMENT, ATTITUDE and PASSION, nothing moves on in life!

- Raj

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is Growth?

In today's fast paced world, growth has become a mockery. I'm purely talking about one's growth in career.
People relate growth to money and power. They say I'm this much experienced and I deserve to grow!

Can growth be so easy that with years passing by and yet a person continues to do what he/she did three years back?
Can growth happen to a person within a company without contributing anything to it?
Can promotions happens because he has to be promoted rather than he deserved to be promoted?
Can a person by virtue of jumping companies be positioned for something substantially higher that what he can do?

What would happen in these circumstances? He/She is set for failure! And that means that everything around that person also fails. Be it team, be it business. All are set for failure.

To people who think money is measure of growth; you are wrong. Knowledge is!
To people who think power or authority or numbers (I lead so many people), is a measure of growth; you are wrong. Responsibilities are!

Money is not everything that can solve all the problems. Neither does power! Remember the end of the Hosini's and Saddam's.

When you have knowledge, you have more maturity.
When you have more maturity you are ready for more responsibilites!

Growth can neither be money nor authority.

It is the measure of your responsibilities!!
Seek to gain more knowledge and experience.
With both seek more responsibilities.

When you have them and the right attitude, the growth in terms of power and money follows!

- Raj

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Charity at Work!

I know almost all of us do this one called Charity.
After all, what the parents gave us is in itself Charity. Almost all, does give a lot satisfaction; Be it on the road, be it a cheque to an organization, be it for your maids and so. Because all these will give a sense thankfulness back be it immediate or be it late. And we know that deep down in the heart.

But there is one charity that you know deep down in your heart that it is betrayal. That is actions and help that you do at your job which benefits others either by ourselves or by themselves like by grabbing attention, claiming that they did it, sidelining people, politics and so on. It happens day in and day out and mostly by people whom we know. I know it really takes a lot of character to remain afloat when these things happen continuously and when you lack the support from your management, but then, that is the key! That is your character! Do not change it! 

And deep down we know it is after all charity and charity is supposed to give us a good life! 
And deep down we know betrayals ruin life!

So all betrayals, take it as a charity from you! Do not change your character, most importantly do no move away from being charitable! Giving is really good thing! Only people who give know the satisfaction out. It doesn't matter if you were fooled or you did it on your own! You are giving! Keep doing it.

One day, life will show the fruits of it, it will be sweet for you and ripe for the ones who betrayed! And for the ones who received it sweet, we will always enjoy. And for the ones who had it ripe, they have no choice as it would be too late!

So do not lose passion and do not lose pride! These will ensure that you will sail through!

- Raj.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Past is Past?

Nothing personal against anyone. I was triggered when one fellow manager said this to me regarding his direct report. I felt it was not right.
- Raj.

I hate when someone says, past is past! And let us forget it! Particularly when in discussion with higher ups. If past becomes irrelevant, why should I do what I'm to do today as I know it becomes insignificant tomorrow? 

For Managers!
The achievements of individuals in the past portrays the strengths of them!
The under achievements or mistakes of them gives you an opportunity to know where not to fit them in and where to concentrate to mold them into a better individual! 
We cannot simply say I do not care what you did in the past and discard their achievements and mistakes!
- Raj

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lesson from Traffic Signal.

I thought, life is as simple as waiting at a cross during a red signal! 

We never see a traffic red signal as a road block, rather we see it a check and also one that allows the people from different directions to move forward! It also allows us a moment to sit back, relax and see where we are at and how others move forward. Sometimes, we even tend to change course looking at the traffic ahead. While we wait at the cross, we know for sure that there will be a green signal that will allow us to move forward.

Like wise, in life all obstacles are like Red traffic signal. When we face one, we kind of take stock at what we have and where we are headed towards. If need be, we can change course from there on wards. The key is, when we face adversity (red signal), we need to give it sometime for us to move forward from there! All we need to know is that a red signal will always be followed by a green signal! So stay optimistic and stay afloat in times of adversity! Your time will come for you to move forward!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I felt I should pen this one as I believe this is what I'm.
Treat mistakes as lessons; When you do the right thing, you remain modest.
Treat challenges as opportunities; When you face adversity, you remain focused.
Treat failures as successes; When you think you have succeeded, you remain humble.

I never feared failure, in fact never thought I failed. I've always thought I've under achieved. Any achievement is a success. This I think keeps me optimistic about the future.

If we lose our optimism, there are no lessons, there are no opportunities and eventually no success. 

- Raj
I remain convinced that there is no generic scale to measure success, for it is very relative. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Again, this based on the discussion I had with one of my team mates. I was explaining how we as part of the current engagements are able to keep things to no escalation record. Thought, I should draft it here as well. Of course, this is not the only means to do so, but this is my only way ;)
- Raj

Any relationship, be it professional or personal, is always based on two important factors. Trust and Respect. I do not think that we will ever be able to relate to someone without having these two. However, this does not come very easily and quickly! There are other factors that contribute to these two.
Honesty, Integrity, intent, passion, promise and so on. 

Now, in a professional environment, imagine a relationship with a customer and imagine not having these two. Of course, we start of, probably on a 50/50 note. But then to increase that, we will have to go with the right intent, show integrity, be honest, exhibit passion and pride and most importantly set the right expectations and live up to the promise made! Trust comes with Honest opinions and Respect comes with show of Integrity. These two increase, when we show ownership of what we manage or handle!

It might seem so simple, but it is not so easy to be so! It takes a lot of effort to be so. But once we make it an habit, it is all so simple and when we start a new relationship, we know how to build that and most importantly, that will be built very quickly! 
In essence, make honesty an habit, never compromise your Integrity, do not lose Focus or Intent, never bring down you Passion levels and do not break your Promises.
- Raj

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Leadership by Ownership.

On the 13th Of March, 2012, I was returning from Singapore with Leela and Nilaa after the MVP function and trip to Malaysia. We were flying Jet Airways which was delayed by more than 7 hours. As always, the in flight services were not up to the mark and I don't know why Jet Airways has become so bad.

However, this is not about that and we as customers will always complain about the service. It is about an young flight attendant called Runal and how his attitude and passion inspired me.

The boarding was supposed to be 2:00 PM and we almost ran to the gate at Singapore after all the free lunch and duty paid purchases (you know what) and somehow reached on time to secure place for baggage. The flight was normal cramped one and the take was good. Then came the service, the food was not to our liking, but we were not complaining as we had a blast of a lunch within Changi Airport. And Wine was disappointing.

As always, I took the Aisle seat, Leela next and Nilaa on the window seat. There was a Gentleman called Srini (name changed) seated on the other side of the Aisle, who I believe was flying from the US and was on the phone until take off. Probably due to jet lag or tiredness because of the long wait at Changi, he dozed off and was not even taking food served. 

The flight was normal after an hour and Nilaa wanted to use the rest room. Just when I was taking here, Srini was walking ahead of us towards the rear side rest room. The path was blocked because the flight attendants were serving food still. Srini probably was feeling uncomfortable and was desperate to get to the rear. But the passage was blocked and seeing his desperation, people were trying to help him go past the food cart. Just when crossed, he just crashed and fainted on the floor. Quickly, people chipped in sprayed water, pulse was checked and he somehow regained consciousness but was too week. There were seats which were made free for him to lie down and he was given a juice and may be it was low sugar. However, he dozed of again. And it was this young man called Runal who was leading the taking care part of it with others as well. I also for my part informed them about his seat number and that it could be low sugar as he could not have had food in a long time and got back to my seat with Nilaa.

I had collected the passport, mobile phone and the boarding card of Srini and was waiting to hand it over to one of the flight attendants. Runal was back to collect the food tray and he was standing next to me in no time. I handed it over to him and was checking how Srini was doing and was suggesting that may be lot of fluids should help Srini. And for his part Runal was checking what exactly happened and I explained things as I saw it. He took note of all of it and out curiosity I was saying may be a doctor on board could help and that it was the first time I've experienced such a thing. 

He was looking at me calmly and said, "Don't worry sir. I'll never let anything happen grave on my flight." I was really inspired by his statement. Here was a flight attendant who was probably the lowest in the organizational chain of Jet Airways from Naresh Goyal's until him and yet was stating my flight! It might sound a bit arrogant, but to me it was assuring. He wanted to ensure that none on his flight should feel insecure and was exhibiting sheer passion which really inspired me.

This is what leaders do. They take ownership, inspire people and guide them to success. They run what ever they own as their company. Leadership is not complete without 100% ownership which I always understood, but Runal made me realize it one more time. Am sure Runal would really fare well in his life because he is a leader. All the best Runal.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Words of Wisdom.

A few quotes of this yours truly over the years!

Passion is a choice, not an emotion.
Circumstances defines emotions, but how we remain passionate despite our circumstances is a choice!!

No one dump for anyone except for oneself...

The difference between Good and Great!
Both enjoy tremendous success. However, the great remain Humble!
Success without humility means nothing!

Good people are part of Success Stories.
Great People make those Stories!

Leaders choose what problem to live with!

Life is all about taking small but right steps!

Ego is the best poison to kill any relationship!

Honesty is not easy, but it is the only one that helps!

Fact of Life: Ladies teach Patience to men; Men teach Perseverance to Ladies.

You can desire for a lot, but know what you need and be happy when you get what you need! For this shall be the difference between greed and content!

While other teachers train you and give tests, Life trains you by testing!

No Problem solves by itself or can be differed! FACE IT straight away!

Cleaning shit or having sex, do it with passion for it defines whether you are doing a shitty job or a sexy job.
With Passion - a sexy job in cleaning shit; Without passion - A shitty job in having sex!

Being Proactive is not about completing a task (that you were supposed to do) ahead of schedule. It is about doing a task that none expected you to do, in an efficient and effective way. It is about taking an initiative, seeing through it till the end!

Things are not as complicated as they seem when we look at them retrospectively. So take life as simple as you can.

Information, if only it is shared, it becomes an experience of mine, else it remains as a distinct memory within myself.

To me no question is stupid or intelligent because the nature of the question depends on the answer! Anyone who has the guts to ask any sort of question to me is intelligent as he wants to learn more!

It is my experience.. when you have two choices and you are unable to decide which you "think" is the right one and you decide to flip a coin.... The right option will be known moments after you flip the coin up and you "feel" the right option even before the coin starts descending... You would desperately want the coin to take your feeling and give the right choice... 

Moral of the statement... do what you feel is right.. If it was wrong, you try to make it right or learn to live with it. And no regrets... 

மேகம் என்று என்னை எள்ளி நகை ஆடாதே...
மேகங்கள் மோதி தான் இடியும் மின்னலும்... 
நான் இடித்தால் வெடித்தால்...

If you think am a cloud that would just pass by.. 
Am the source of thunder and light....

Embrace each person according to his or her characteristics, not position or title.

Everyone you encounter is your teacher!

 உடல் உழைக்க சொல்வேன்.. அதில் பிழைக்க சொல்வேன்...

 "I'm responsible for what I say, not for what you understand!"

 A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke.

 All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time. He cracked the same joke again & again, when there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said,

 When u can’t laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again....

 Learn to move on

- Anonymous

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To be appreciated by the team!

What happened today was something that I would have never imagined at all.

While the MVP award waits for me at SG, to be given something by my team, so unexpectedly is a real good feeling. This one is the MVP award that I would always ever cherish. One that, the team stands up and telling me that you are not bad ;). Now, I know I can handle my emotions when I'm receiving this award on the 8th of March, 2012.

I don't know how this happens. To have everyone around me in my life to give 100% support in everything that I do, to make me successful, I don't know what to say!
Time, luck, God, blessing, be it anything or anyone! Thank you!

I'm really honored to be leading this team, one that I build and the one that would always remain my legacy!

Thanks to these wonderful living beings around me who make me feel special each day, who make me wanting to live another day, wanting to come to work every single day!

Thank you team!

- Raj

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Letter 'P'

I do not know why, but I like this letter P, for most words that start with it are very important to us in life.
I keep insisting in the below words in my team!

Passion, Pride.

No matter what job you do, if you do it with passion and take pride in that, we derive satisfaction and we learn something new even if it gets monotonous.

A person without a passion is like a dead rat.

Of course there are quite a few other words.

But with all due respect, these words do not match the impact that Passion and Pride give us in life!

An Amazing letter called P :)

- Raj

Monday, January 16, 2012

Successful Marriages.

Remember 3Cs in Married life.
Commitment, Compromise and Communication.
If you have these 3Cs with your best half, life will be smooth!

- Yours Truly!

And remember to have these with with only one ;)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


In the recent past, for all good reasons, there were a lot of dicussions that I happened to be on where Innovation was a term that was coming across as the most important thing. I do not deny it and for an organization that is as huge as mine, innovation should be the bare minimum we have to have in us.

However, when I heard something like let us start innovating, bring people together to innovate, I was a bit amused.

Is Innovation so simple? Can I bring in a few people together and say Innovate and they start doing that. I mean not just straight away, but say within an years time can they innovate? I bet no. Because, there is something called lateral thinking which is very important in any innovation as is the ability to have crazy ideas. People have to have it in them to be innovative. It needs a lot of passion, commitment, courage, hard work and ability to perservere as the pressure of time will always be there.

To me, Innovation can neither be a choice nor a force. I cannot, one day, stand up and say from today on I'll be an innovator, nor my boss can come and say, come on Raj you will have to be an innovator and I feel very stupid to even think that from next day onwards I shall start doing things differently.

Innovation is not just doing things differently. It is also doing different things. It requires will to change the way of life. It needs support. It can be in any form or department of the organization. It can be anything technical, operational and a lot of times even in management.

Innovation has to be a culture. It has to be in the DNA of a person and in the larger context, should also be in the DNA of the organization. As always, culture can only be fostered and not forced. We will have to give and take time to bring in the culture or even change or nuture this culture.

And in today's world, with everyone talking about time and cost (not price) it is not easy for someone to just innovate as he/she will need time and space to even think, then execute, test and have the fruits of the results.

Looking back, I know I have a few things that I have innovated at work and I think it helped. I just have to document them and may be share it with larger audience.

So in essence, innovation can never be forced upon. It can be fostered by instilling passion within the organizaation to be different and think differently.

- Raj.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Management Vs. Leadership

There is an ever ending debate and discussion on Management and leadership.
This recently surfaced in a forum called Key Talent @ HP and I was part of it. Don't ask me if I'm key to HP or if I have the talent ;). I, in fact asked the same question myself to the anchor.

Never the less, that is not the topic of discussion now. I thought of penning down my thoughts on these two and what differentiates a Leader from a Manager. Of course both these roles are good, equally important, and I mean no disrespect to management.

- Raj

Here we go....

Of course, the simple meaning could be Leaders lead and Managers manage. But the question always lingers on what more do the leaders bring in. How do they ensure the organization sees the difference. Here are my simple and short thoughts.

Managers Manage the battle; Leaders Lead the war.
Managers Plan; Leaders Stratergize.
Managers Debate; Leaders Decide.
Managers Delegate; Leaders Own.
Managers are for a Team no matter the size of it; Leaders are for an organization and no matter the size of it.
Managers enforce Processes; Leaders define Policies.
Managers Train; Leaders Mentor.
Managers Challenge; Leaders Inspire.
Managers Solve Problems they live with; Leaders Choose what Problems they live with.

Managers Manage Change; Leaders are the Change.

While the debate can invariably go on for ever, the fact is leaders inspire change in the minds and lives of their team. Leaders make people believe in the cause and galvanize them to march towards the cause, no matter how grave or great that could be!

As they say, leaders are not made; they are born. It has to come from within.
One cannot be a leader because he/she was appointed. He/She should have inherent capabilities of decision making and owning them immaterial of their results! Most importantly, he/she should have ownership towards the followers and understand that each and everyone is unique and has something to offer towards the cause.

Well, in today's corporate world, these may be hard to exhibit and sometimes ones who have these qualities may even be ridiculed, but only by people above them and if you are a leader you will not be judged by people above you but by people who follow you.

Leadership is all about coaching, mentoring, guiding, inspiring, enabling and empowering the next level people and after which I sit in the grand stand enjoying the view of them succeeding! And the grand stand view would simply be very amazing while it is not so easy to get into that!

Be the Leader and be the Change!

- Raj

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hi 2012; Ta Ta 2011!

I know its been a while since I've blogged. It was kind of a planned absence and forced upon myself. So here I'm and am back ;).
I thought of penning down what every human being on this earth would got out of 2011 and I fairly sense that it would remain the same for every year. An honestly, it was my first post on FB this year! Just sharing it here.
Enjoy reading.
- Raj

Thanks 2011.
As Always, Life - you were wonderful,
throwing me challenges so I could learn,
giving me problems so I remain vigilant,
putting me in difficult situations so I remain to value people,
and sometimes giving me success so I remain afloat!

There were,
joy even out of pains,
cheer even out of failures,
happiness even out of challenges,
success out of no where!

I know am more a better person than what I was on 1st January, 2011. I prevailed with the support of every individual who knew me!

Welcome 2012. I'll learn and I'll prevail. This is not arrogance, but something born out of self-assurance ;). And I really do not have a choice too!

And I start my year with a clean slate so successes of the past are not counted, but memories of them will!

Happy New year to everyone! May the New Year, bring in a lot of joy, cheer, happiness, success, growth, peace and harmony into our lives.

- A normal Human Being